A national survey revealed nearly 20 million Americans over the age of 18 have tried acupuncture at some time in their life.

How satisfied are acupuncture patients?

A national survey revealed nearly 20 million Americans over the age of 18 have tried acupuncture at some time in their life.

The survey results indicated:

Almost half of the respondents who received acupuncture stated that they were “extremely satisfied” or “very satisfied” with acupuncture treatment.

The respondents received acupuncture for a variety of reasons, with the top reason being disorders of the musculoskeletal or nervous system.

One-sixth of those who visited an acupuncturist sought treatment for an addiction or psychological disorder.

Healthcare continues evolving to less-invasive, natural, and drug-free methods, placing acupuncture as a first-line complementary healthcare choice.

And remember, the American Acupuncture Council Network is the expert with over 3 decades of experience dealing with a wide range of acupuncture billing issues.


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