3 ways to use SMS text-message marketing in your acupuncture practice include..

What are the best ways to use Short Message Service (SMS) marketing?

SMS text message marketing is a service that allows the exchange of short text messages between mobile devices and is a great way to establish a connection and build trust with your patient base.

3 ways to use SMS text-message marketing in your acupuncture practice include:

1. Send appointment reminders and reschedule appointments.

2. Send weekly tips to help keep you connected and engaged with your patients

3. Inform patients of changes in your practice (a new colleague joining the practice, new services offered, office hours changes)

The convenience of SMS text messaging may be the best fit for you, your staff, and your acupuncture patients.

And remember, the American Acupuncture Council Network is the expert with over 3 decades of experience dealing with a wide range of acupuncture billing issues.


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