Is information blocking ever permitted according to the 21st Century Cures Act?
There are several circumstances under which a health care provider could not allow a patient access to…
Welcome to your billing and coding weekly solutions by American Acupuncture Council Network (AAC).
Is information blocking ever permitted according to the 21st Century Cures Act?
There are several circumstances under which a health care provider could not allow a patient access to their electronic records. Provided certain conditions are met, it is not information blocking:
to engage in practices that are reasonable and necessary to prevent harm to a patient or another person.
to interfere with the access, exchange, or use of electronic health information (EHI) to protect the security of EHI.
if a provider does not fulfill a request to access, exchange or use EHI due to the infeasibility of the request.
to take reasonable and necessary measures to make health IT temporarily unavailable or to degrade the health IT’s performance for the benefit of the overall performance of the health IT.
to limit the content of a response to a request to access, exchange or use EHI, or how you fulfill a request to access, exchange or use EHI.
to charge fees, including fees that result in a reasonable profit margin, for accessing, exchanging, or using EHI.
to license interoperability elements for EHI to be accessed, exchanged, or used.
Before making a denial for an information request, be sure to research and fully understand the requirements of the exception.
Remember, billing with incorrect acupuncture CPT and ICD codes can lead to claim rejections and delays in payments, which can have a devastating impact on generating revenue and keeping you in business.
If you are experiencing insurance claim denial, staff spending too much time trying to get claims paid, and patients asking why their claims have not been paid then American Acupuncture Council Network is your solution.
American Acupuncture Council Network stays ahead of the curve on the latest trends and changes in billing and coding by utilizing their direct channel of communication with the insurance companies and organizations that set the guidelines.
There is a reason acupuncturists have trusted AAC with their business for over 30 years.
Start your free 30 day trial today.
We will save you thousands and get your claims paid more efficiently, with proven methods!
The AACinfo Network Plus 30 day trial gives you the opportunity to find out just how easy we can make getting those denied claims paid, saving you thousands of dollars each month in both time and money.
Click here to get your claims paid.